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Abuse and Violence need NOT be physical to be violent & dangerous

Forms of NPDV include gaslighting, minimize-deny-blame, cyberstalking, economic, covert & overt emotional, betrayal trauma, using children, and lots more...

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I have been sharing my story since 2015.     
My presentations 4 Hope from Hurting to Healing, and The Film Meets the Book, received Best Speaker Awards. My work has been featured on radio on The Just Steph Show, in The Atlanta Journal Constitution and Our Town magazine, and at the 2017 National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence. In 2019, my documentary film premiered at Landmark's Midtown Art  Cinema in Atlanta.

“I had no idea I was being abused nor did anyone, because, he did not hit me..."


This is my journey and discovery of a catastrophic phenomenon that had no name, until now. My husband struck me for the first and only time in the 20th year of our marriage. A judge granted me a protection order based solely on my appearance of breakdown. At first she wanted me to give her a "history" of physical violence. I said, "I cannot lie, there is not one". And then she trusted her instincts that something was very wrong.

That I indeed needed protection from him but not due to physical violence. While at the time neither the judge nor I, knew exactly what was wrong.

Soon after the TPO expired, my husband's gaslighting catapulted me into a nervous breakdown and an attempted suicide. I later understood that I was a victim of gaslighting, cyberstalking, cyber-abuse
, betrayal trauma, economic abuse, blame shifting, using children, and more...                                                       

I realized that all of this pieced together, was a "pattern of abusive and cruel behaviors" 
so severe and debilitating that it was

Non Physical Domestic Violence

 I specialize in presentations that name and define various forms of Non Physical Domestic Violence.
My approach is both educational and solutions based.
How to recognize and detect the forms of NPDV
Relative important links to social emotional learning,
healthy dating relationships, and committed partner relationships.


Audience Take-Aways: In hand TOOL KIT© includes:

- The NPDV Power and Control Wheel

- NPDV 20 Question Quiz

- Why Doesn't She Just Leave?

- How To Leave An Abusive Relationship

- To Friends And Family What You Can Do

see TOOL KIT for more information

A glance into my story...

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